Local Person for Climate Vine "Chief of Staff"-ish role

Posted 9 months ago
Candice Ammori

Candice Ammori


Hey all,

I’m looking to hire someone local who’s interested in a Chief of Staff type role. Ideally, they’re a mix of left and right brain attributes, meaning they’re both incredibly organized/process oriented as well as a great relationship builder and communicator, verbally and written.

This person would help us with high-impact priorities that I just don’t have time to kick off, and we’d leave the purely admin things to our EA and operations people who enjoy doing those things.

Things this person will likely help me with:

  1. Building relationships with ecosystem partners, or other hubs of climate experts, to create win-win scenarios
  2. Beginning inbound and potential outbound relationships with other types of partners, whether corporate or philanthropic
  3. Helping Members ideate around, lead, and host events
  4. Helping Members create content around their expertise & helping us spread the word around that content
  5. Putting together an annual summit, ideally in this region

I’d like to co-work with this person 2-3 days a week, ideally in Kingston but I can drive halfway if they’re farther out.

Let me know if you might be interested and/or if you know folks who’d be interested and excellent at a role like this. Email at candice@climatevine.co


Jordan Koschei

Jordan Koschei


I don’t know of anyone offhand, but I forwarded this to some Climate Tech people I know in the area!

9 months ago
Jordan Koschei

Jordan Koschei


You might also reach out to Erin Cummins on here — she’s in Kingston and has worked in AgTech, she might know someone!

9 months ago
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